Lifting Weights and Prolapse

Lifting Weights and Prolapse

The pelvic organ prolapse “world” is rich with fear- and LOW on scientific research.
With 10% of all women having some sort of pelvic organ prolapse surgery in their
lifetime this is not a “niche” issue. It’s a BIG TIME global public health...

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Novel Measure for Prolapse


For my Postural Restoration Certification I had to review a number of Journal Articles and interpret the article through a PRI "lens" I thought this article was too cool not to share. I have edited it from my original submission to make the language a bit more accessible to non-PRI folks...

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My Prolapse Story

Ive been asked to share this a few times, so here it is.

Prolapse is never our fault, and talking through and sharing my story has been very helpful I hope it can help you too! 



I started running when my son, Kamea (now 4) was 4 weeks old. 

I was struggling to process his...

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Where the F is my Menstrual Cup?

This week on my Instagram account I am talking all about period products! re-usable Menstrual cups and Discs are quickly becoming one of the more popular options for managing periods. Not only are they environmentally friendly, they seriously help you save SO MUCH money over the long...

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Why I Don't Participate with Insurance Companies

Gosh, this is such a hard thing for me, But I will do my best to explain here

As a military spouse who has great insurance coverage, and Canadian who grew up with universal health care, this decision is not one that I make lightly. 

When I started "Hayley Kava PT" and was setting my...

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What is a Virtual Pelvic Wellness Session?

Work online with a physical therapist?


Kind of sounds like an oxymoron right? 

I felt the exact same way,  March 2020. 

I was early in my second pregnancy and a local OB was actually the first person in our county to have COVID -19. He had delivered babies symptomatic, prior...

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Allow me to (re) Introduce myself


Hi Friends, 


I made this video for a side project I am working on, and I figured it would be a great little post for my site. You can get really up close (literally to my face) and personal. Hear some of my story, and why I LOVE this work so much. 


I hope you enjoy! 

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What if it's not "Just a Little Leak"


Urinary Incontinence (leaking pee) is a main reason why women attend pelvic floor physical therapy. 

However, despite the awareness of the impact of urinary incontinence rising, and the awareness of how pelvic floor PT's can help in the US leaking pee is still a BIG ISSUE. And many women are...

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Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy FAQ's


Thanks to social media, the general public's awareness of pelvic health has grown exponentially in recent years. However, I find many people are still nervous about attending pelvic floor physical therapy. So on today's blog I will be answering my most commonly asked questions about...

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