Vulvar Varicosities Part 1

Based on recent comments on my most recent series on vulvar swelling/varicosities on social media, many had NEVER heard of vulvar varicosities UNTIL they were dealing with them themselves.

Even if they HAD dealt with them, they were never given an actual diagnosis, or strategies to help them...

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Pelvic Girdle Pain ... I dare you to move

"That’s just a part of being pregnant” … File that under phrases that pelvic health therapists HATE!

 Whether it’s leaking pee, hemorrhoids, constipation, pain of any kind in the pelvis, pelvic floor vulva or vagina that does not require a “medical”...

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Highly Effective Urinating Habits


From as early as potty training we develop habits and patterns surrounding micturition (which is the fancy word for peeing or urinating or voiding).

 There are many complex explanations on how our bladder and continence of urine is controlled, but I’ll keep it brief and simple. Our...

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