Vulvar Varicosities Part 1

Based on recent comments on my most recent series on vulvar swelling/varicosities on social media, many had NEVER heard of vulvar varicosities UNTIL they were dealing with them themselves.

Even if they HAD dealt with them, they were never given an actual diagnosis, or strategies to help them...

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Why I Don't Participate with Insurance Companies

Gosh, this is such a hard thing for me, But I will do my best to explain here

As a military spouse who has great insurance coverage, and Canadian who grew up with universal health care, this decision is not one that I make lightly. 

When I started "Hayley Kava PT" and was setting my...

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What is a Virtual Pelvic Wellness Session?

Work online with a physical therapist?


Kind of sounds like an oxymoron right? 

I felt the exact same way,  March 2020. 

I was early in my second pregnancy and a local OB was actually the first person in our county to have COVID -19. He had delivered babies symptomatic, prior...

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Pelvic PT Mentorship

So, Instagram is "down" today which is forcing me to catch up on a lot of things that Ive gotten a bit behind on. Writing regular blogs being one of them! 

I got into pelvic floor PT a bit "backwards".  I was using postural restoration techniques on all types of clients in an outpatient...

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Perineal Massage... But Better


Hi All! 


I know it's been a while since I wrote a blog post! Sorry about that! 

Moving across the country with two kiddos, and a dog was a bigger undertaking than I imagined. 

This being said, we are now settled in MN and Hayley Kava PT is back in action. I have started...

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Who Knew how Popular a Fart Joke Would Be?

Ah.. It's been a little while since I have been able to give this little blog some love. 

My 8 month old had been a unicorn, sleeping through the night around 5-6 weeks old. It gave be so much energy! I felt like I could do anything! This sweet baby's early sleeping days meant that I was...

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Pelvic Girdle Pain ... I dare you to move

"That’s just a part of being pregnant” … File that under phrases that pelvic health therapists HATE!

 Whether it’s leaking pee, hemorrhoids, constipation, pain of any kind in the pelvis, pelvic floor vulva or vagina that does not require a “medical”...

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Hemorrhoids...The only "push present" I got for my second baby

Hemorrhoids… a lovely symptom common in pregnancy and post partum but can pop up other times also!


 A hemorrhoid is essentially a varicose vein in the lower rectum. They can be internal or external- meaning you may be able to see them on the outside or you may just...

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If I Leak am I Weak?

Did you know that over 50% of elite female athletes and elite dancers who have not given birth leak urine while training? 

Shouldn't this cohort of females have the "strongest" pelvic floors?

Isn't leaking urine related to a "weak" pelvic floor? 

Great questions...  


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Don't Fear The Sneeze


There are a lot of people in my "biz" who get really annoyed about jokes made online about  moms "peezing". I 100% do not blame them one bit. 

We, as pelvic floor PT's see the negative long term social, emotional, financial, economic and general well being impacts that stress...

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