Hemorrhoids...The only "push present" I got for my second baby

Hemorrhoids… a lovely symptom common in pregnancy and post partum but can pop up other times also!


 A hemorrhoid is essentially a varicose vein in the lower rectum. They can be internal or external- meaning you may be able to see them on the outside or you may just...

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Highly Effective Urinating Habits


From as early as potty training we develop habits and patterns surrounding micturition (which is the fancy word for peeing or urinating or voiding).

 There are many complex explanations on how our bladder and continence of urine is controlled, but I’ll keep it brief and simple. Our...

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What to Expect at Your First Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Appointment

 1 in 3 of ALL women will experience some sort of pelvic floor disorder in their lifetime!

Think back to Pre-Covid times… ahh. Not too long though! If you were in public and looked left and right. At least one of those women you saw (or maybe it was you too)  has a pelvic floor...

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Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy FAQ's


Thanks to social media, the general public's awareness of pelvic health has grown exponentially in recent years. However, I find many people are still nervous about attending pelvic floor physical therapy. So on today's blog I will be answering my most commonly asked questions about...

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